

Reducing Stress


Stress can be different for all of us. It can effect us mentally, physically, and emotionally. Stress is our body ' s reaction to change that is different from our normal routine. Stress is normal, but we don 't want it effecting our functioning. See some tips below to reduce stress. @peaceful_horizons


Sleep is very important when it comes to reducing stress. Try to get a least 7 hours a sleep at night to help with reducing stress. Assistance for sleep is lavender oil on the bottom of your feet, sound machine, optimizing your sleeping environment, regular sleep schedule.


Whether it is going on a hike, go to the gym, yoga, or tennis. Exercise is important for the mind, body and soul. Physical activity is important to managing stress and improve mental health.


Meditation is the practice of being mindful and focusing your mind on a particular thought, object, or activity to build your attention and awareness. Meditation helps calm your mind, body and spirit. It also helps with physical and emotional health to regulate mood when feeling overwhelmed. It is good to make meditation a regular habit. Consistency is key


Not all stressors are in our control. It is good to say "no" more often, instead of taking on more things than you can handle or that's not your responsibility. Saying "no" can lower stress levels and help you feel more confident.


Procrastination relieves stress temporarily, due to avoiding what you are needing to do. It does not help long term, and it adds more stress trying to catch up. Try to make a list, and find time in the day just for yourself to do your task and also communicate your needs.


Lets face it scents make us feel good and sets a mood. Research shows that certain scents can alter brain activity and reduce stress. So the next time you are out pick up a candle, diffuser, wax melts and oils to add some stress relief in your day